Sunday, October 18, 2009

The story starts with Nathaniel Hawthorne writing the story and explaining how he worked as surveyor in Massachusetts.This was for three years back in the 1800 hundreds to be exact from 1846-1849. Their in an old unfinished room was alot of documents dated back two hundred years ago.Their he found a package wrapped in a ribbon and it contained a scarlet rag with a letter A in it like a piece of clothing but who did it belong two and what did it mean. The Letter was worn by a woman named Hester Prynne,she lived in the Massachusetts colony from 1640 to her death in 1690s.

Hester Prynne was the wife of an learned English man and would help people in need and ill. Hester and her husband lived in Amsterdam and then decided to try luck in Massachusetts. Hester had lived in Massachusetts for two years with no word of her husdand. Now with a baby in her arms she is standing in front of a large and angry crowd accusing her of adultery and of being an evil women. Her punishment is to stand for three hours on the platform infront of everyone and then go to prison once released from prison she must wear that scarlet letter A for the rest of her life in shame.Hester refuses to say the father of the babys name.

Do you think that the accusations toward Hester are true??
Who is the father of her baby??

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